Tuesday, August 29, 2006 In the biggest ever narcotics haul in India’s capital, the New Delhi police have seized over 4,400 kg of Mandrax and Rs. 20 crore from a dealer in the city. The consignment, meant for a customer in the U.S, was seized from a godown in Badarpur, near the Delhi-Haryana border. The […]
Day: November 19, 2018
Memorial for toddler who died under care of controversial ‘1 Mind Ministries’ groupMemorial for toddler who died under care of controversial ‘1 Mind Ministries’ group
Saturday, August 30, 2008 A memorial service was held Friday for Javon Thompson, a toddler that died in Baltimore, Maryland, while under the care of a religious group called “1 Mind Ministries”. Thompson died in late 2006 or early 2007 in an apartment in West Baltimore. According to police statements, members of 1 Mind Ministries […]
G20 Summit plans to inject US$5tn into economy before 2011G20 Summit plans to inject US$5tn into economy before 2011
Friday, April 3, 2009 The G20 Summit held in London, England concluded Thursday with an injection into the economy of US$5 trillion by the end of 2010. Global trade would be supported by $250 billion (169.5 billion pounds). “We are going to act decisively to kickstart international trade. We will ensure availability of at least […]
Asbestos controversy aboard Scientology ship FreewindsAsbestos controversy aboard Scientology ship Freewinds
Friday, May 16, 2008 Controversy has arisen over the reported presence of blue asbestos on the MV Freewinds, a cruise ship owned by the Church of Scientology. According to the Saint Martin newspaper The Daily Herald and the shipping news journal Lloyd’s List, the Freewinds was sealed in April and local public health officials on […]