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Submitted by: Debrah Dragon
Aroma therapy is based upon the principle that scents and smells trigger our bodys immune system that strengthens it in order to combat illnesses. Originally practiced in India this relatively new from of treatment in the west is fast gaining popularity because of its ease and ecstasy it provides along with treating illnesses. It in principle defeats the age old saying of no pain no gain, because it is absolutely painless and rater the reverse.
Have you ever felt calmed by a sweet aroma, or had a nice smell send you on a walk down memory lane? Then you’ve already experienced some of the benefits of aromatherapy. Essential oils can be a powerful weapon in the battle for your physical and psychological well-being. And you don’t have to get an expensive massage at a spa to enjoy them. Used properly, aromatherapy can help sooth your mind as well as your body, putting you on your way to a happier, healthier lifestyle, in the comfort of your own home.
Aromatherapy can be practiced in a number of ways. One of the simplest and most convenient ways to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy is through the use of aromatherapy candles or diffusers. Essential oil diffusers gently heat the oil of your choice, diluted with water, in a small dish, evaporating the oil into the air to help clear your respiratory system, and calm your mind. Aromatherapy candles, when made with pure essential oils, give you the same benefits with no fuss or hassle.For a more intensive and relaxing treatment, take an essential oil bath. You can either purchase bath oil beads, allowing them to disintegrate in warm bathwater, or pour the essential oil of your choice into the running water, stirring thoroughly before entering. An aromatherapy bath can help relieve aching, tired muscles while still invigorating your respiratory system and calming your nerves. Simply soak, breathe deeply, and enjoy.
Another method of relief is an aromatherapy massage. You don’t need an appointment with a professional to take full advantage of your essential oil’s healing powers. Applying your oils directly to your skin to achieve a result similar to the aromatherapy bath. Simply massage the oils into a sore muscle or aching joint, and allow the oils to penetrate your skin, soothing the affected area.
Aroma therapy is a great way to relieve yourself from muscular pain, flue and colds. It begins to work almost instantaneously for most kinds of illnesses and would just require a few sessions to recover completely. This form of therapy is a great way to relax and is specially useful to people who work high pressure jobs, such as doctors, bankers, stock brokers etc.
Though they can all be used in these manners, different essential oils possess different restorative properties and functions, from everything to relieving headaches and depression to helping you sleep, so do a little research before choosing your oils. For instance, black pepper is known for its ability to lessen aches and pain, while eucalyptus is frequently used to clear congestion during illness. If you know what affect you’re looking for in your essential oil, it will be easier to find the right one for you, and when you find the right one for you, it’s easier to enjoy life in general. Try aromatherapy- your body deserves it.
About the Author: Debrah Dragon Debrah Dragon is a writer for
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